Sunday, August 31, 2008

Science Homework Requirements

At the beginning of each chapter, you will be assigned the Chapter Review key terms and questions to answer over the duration of the chapter. You may work on these questions at any time so long as it is during an appropriate time during class. You may also work on these at home early in the chapter (recommended) or save it until the last night (not recommended). The assignment will always be the same and you must complete the assignment to the proper specifications as follows:

Reviewing Key Terms:
All of the key terms within the chapter will be listed at the bottom of the page in the back of the chapter. You must write each key term and its definition FROM THE BOOK on your paper. The definitions are all provided either within the text of the chapter or in the glossary.

Multiple Choice:
Complete all of the questions in this section unless specifically told otherwise. You must write the entire question out in complete sentences containing both the question and answer in the same sentence. DO NOT simply put the letter of the answer. If you only put the letter as your answer, you will receive zero credit for that section.
Example: The most common cause of earthquakes is
a) tsunamis b) faulting c) seismic waves d) magma

Acceptable answer: The most common cause of earthquakes is faulting.
Unacceptable answer: The most common cause of earthquakes is b
Unacceptable answer: Just putting “b” or “b, faulting”

True and False:
Complete all of the questions in this section unless specifically told otherwise.
If the answer is TRUE, you must rewrite the statement in its entirety on your paper.
If the answer is FALSE, you must rewrite the statement in its entirety on your paper while replacing the incorrect underlined word with the word that would make the statement correct.
Example: A caldera forms when the walls of a volcano crater collapse.
This is a true statement, so you must do the following…
Acceptable answer: A caldera forms when the walls of a volcano crater collapse.
Unacceptable answers: Just putting “TRUE” or “T”

Example: The opening from which lava erupts is called a fault.
This is a false statement, so you must do the following…
Acceptable answer: The opening from which lava erupts is called a vent.
Unacceptable answers: Just putting “False” or “F” or “F, vent”

You will never be assigned Concept Mapping.

Concept Mastery:
Complete all of the questions in this section unless specifically told otherwise. You must use complete sentences when explaining yourself for each question. It must be legible, neat, and articulate with correct spelling and grammar (especially if they are vocabulary terms!) Each question should contain at least 3 to 5 sentences explaining your answer, and more if the question requires more depth. Simple one word or one sentence answers will get the credit they deserve.

You will never be assigned Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.

This assignment will serve as your study guide for each chapter test. The more you put into it, the better it will serve you at test time. This work will count as your HW grade for each chapter (about 25 pts each). It is due the day before the chapter test and will be collected on the day of the chapter test.

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